So maybe now we'll fix the problem, but then 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now there will be gigantic pool of lower-skilled workers in the job market, creating another recession from the lack of higher-skilled positions needed to be filled but can't because there isn't enough of these types of people qualified to fill the spot because the education budget cuts of their past greatly inhibited their career aspirations and progression.
Teacher of the Year Gets Pink Slip
Los Angeles Times, 3/17/09
LOS ANGELES -- Debbie Winsteen was one of 11 elementary teachers from Burbank Unified School District who received the honor for the 2008-2009 school year.
This year, the Burbank Elementary School teacher received a layoff notice, according to KFWB Radio. She has taught in the district for five years."My immediate anger, right now, is with our state legislators and the governor, and my board of education," Winsteen told KFWB. "Our fate, and the fate of our kids, is in their hands.
Come on, Arnold... fight for the kids, teenagers and adults who need and depend on the state to educate and take them higher in their life! After all, this is the land of opportunity, and we need you to think "big picture" for us as you thought in these terms for yourself =)
by: Portishead
yeah and you're gonna need a people who can command serious income 5,10,15,20 years from now to pay for the stimulus packages.....oh but wait a minute nobody will be making enough money then 'cause the big "G" is gonna make sure the wealth all gets evenly distributed and those who do make serious coin will be tryin' hard to hide it on acounta the fact that they'll get the bijezzers taxed outta them fer beein' nasty 'ol rich's ok though cause we got illegals to take care of and they'll work for nuthin' and send their income back across the border so that their families can flee the drug cartels and come here and have kids and send them to our overburdened public schools and take advantage of the national health care system that will be a bureaucratic fiasco.....personally i've always felt that schools get the short end but when you realize that public schools were created to provide a work force for the industrialization of this nation you become aware the you really don't want folks to be so smart anyway, 'cause then American Idle (and i do mean IDLE) won't placate them enough to keep them from speaking out against social injustice...and if you examine Marxist-ish governments you'll find that the people don't get much education and being outspoken is REALLY frowned upon and religious freedom just plain doesn't exist....oops there i go off on a tangent....KEEP YoUR EYES OPEN and don't run with the crowd or you might find yourself getting fleeced!
ReplyDeleteyea, unfortunately all these scenarios are definitely very possible and currently happening, keeping the hegemony going at the expense of the illegal workers living on the leaks of US "domestic" currency flow... and without the backing of state education, the post-industrial age wont be possible without the man-power AND the brain-power to run it, and these cuts will definitely inhibit our future work force from reaching it's full potential for the benefit of the entire nation...
ReplyDeleteYeah daddy-o discourse!..... the white on black kindahardta read tho....
ReplyDeletehegemony at the expense of illegals huh? last i checked they come here 'cuz of opportunity not domination. seems to me that they have greater liberties here as illegals then they do as citizens in their own countries!.....
but of course you’re referring to the hegemonic conditions from which they flee en masse to be here……
Undeniably, cutting funding for schools at present is akin to taking milk from the mouths of babes...i simply must express grave concerns that due of the ills (both corporeal and perceptual) that exist in capitalist society that we seem to be poised to run headlong in the opposite direction ostensibly to benefit the masses, meantime producing an untenable scenario of social injustice…. 1984...nah just kidding...or paranoid...or
Kinda the ol’ “throwin’ the baby out with the bathwater” sorta thing
i think there is political and capitalist hegemony on both sides of the nations, and illegals are trading one set problems for another, but their set of problems here in the US also bring so much benefit and opportunity for themselves, their families and their kids, so them coming to take jobs that Americans can't have because they're occupied already is a side-effect of the amazing "land of opportunity" we live in and a contributor to our job market leakage, unfortunately... and employers are exploiting these workers, a lot of the times unjustly but you gotta work with whatever you got! (insert hegemony here)
ReplyDeleteand remember, the masses is the reason why the leaders of our countries have the money and the power to make major domestic and international decisions in our name, most of time without our consent... without us they're nothing so maybe they should appease us from time to time =)