I suspect that A&F executes high pressure and high intimidation advertising in a low-key way through their simplified pop-victorian sales floors, their higher retail pricing, and their high-quality black and white pictures with athletic/model shaped, fantasy white men and women to create a conglomerates of social discrimination toward who wears their brand. They purposely set the prices of clothes high enough to economically discriminate people who can't afford their clothes to not buy them, such as Latino's or African-Americans who are typically less successful economically than whites in the US, but low enough to attract the people who fit the profile of their advertising and are from an upper-middle class and higher lifestyle. Their models and their advertising themes are of a white, high-class, educated, preppy New England society, almost the complete antithesis of who I am: a Latino, working-class, state-educated, intellectual Angeleno-Californian. Also, the images of their models are pretty much the embodiment of the Northern European Standard of Beauty western cultures are already bias towards, sending a strong aesthetic social message of discrimination and social hierarchy toward anyone who doesn't look like this (eg: Native Americans, African-Americans, Non-white Latino-Americans, Asians)
Fake Plastic Trees
by: Radiohead
The Bends
I totally agree, at the Abercrombie & Fitch in the Grove there is this huge painting and all the people in the painting were white.
ReplyDeleteAnother franchise that does this is Hollister Co.
ReplyDeleteIf you compare them you will see the similarities between Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister.
There are plenty of diverse models in the marketing on the walls ... PLENTY, many african american. you can't just show pictures of the white people and say that is all it is.
ReplyDeletemany times the only people who work and shop there are white because white people are the only wealthy people in MANY areas of this country.
this is not socially unjust, I work for A&F and diversity is pressed on us every day. racism will not be tolerated at our company.
OH and for the idiot who said A&F is a lot like hollister, wow get a clue its the same damn company.
ReplyDeletehey kyle:
it's pressed on you because your company has to buddy... don't trip!
Do yourself a favor: google image search "abercrombie" and take a rough mental percentage of white-to-minority ratio on the images...
there definitely isn't "PLENTY" of diverse models. clearly the main demographic of your company is white people. it screams it on your ads and posters on your sales floor.
and dude, i'm not a racistso don't get it twisted; i'm just a casual observer of what things I see in this world that need social reform and change =)