Remember, it's the marketer's job to get us to spend our hard-earned money VIA cool commercials, sexy magazines, unavoidable billboards, annoying web ads, corporate sponsors, etc. They don't care if we get into debt! And all of these are put there by professionals to get us to buy things we simply don't need. Do you really want to feed the business monsters and fund their marketing frenzy to hook you and your families? Do you want to feed the monster of your thirst for material, only to find it unquenchable?

Oh, and remember this too:
- The average cardholder has 2.7 bank credit cards, 3.8 retail credit cards, and 1.1 debit cards. That’s 7.6 cards per cardholder.
- The average household has more than $8,000 in credit card debt, up from about $3,000 in 1990.
- The average interest rate charged by credit cards is 14.71%.
- The most recent Federal Reserve study showed that 43% of U.S. families spent more than they earned. On average, Americans spend $1.22 for each dollar they earn.
[source: CardWeb.com and MyVesta.org]
Funny, the idea in the vid is so simple and right, and yet we complicate and do the wrong things all the time...
(myself included)

by: The Cool Kids
The Bake Sale
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